2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
The Debate Club
Debate is something that most people don’t typically think about. What do you think of when you think of debate? Did you know it’s also a very completive sport? I bet there are lots of things you don’t know about debate, like there is a debate club at BA.
Debate isn’t just for nerdy kids with big glasses well mostly not including me. The government is spending millions funding for the debate team. Why you might ask? Because debate is very important. We need more people to fight deep issues that we face today in our economy.
Debate seems like an easy thing which isn’t partly true. Debate isn’t just about arguing with others. It’s about proving and knowing your evidence that's how you win. Just like sports you have to practice it doesn’t just come naturally. Some bad news about debate is that on some Saturdays and Fridays you will have to go compete which means you need to take some time out of your busy schedule. Even though you might be complaining about losing your weekend you will get over it,when you go to the competions. You meet new people and did I mention that all debaters don’t look like nerds there are some hot ones.
My first time debating was something I will never forget. My partner and I were very nervous and scared but we took notes and used helpful strategies that brought us to our big win. Although there are big moves and sacrifices you have to make, if you truly love something you will stop at nothing.