2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
The Land of Ozzy
Black Sabbath concert may mark the end of live touring for Ozzy Osbourne
By: Vincent Nigo,11
On Wednesday September, 7th Black Sabbath performed their “The End” tour at Gexa Energy Pavilion in Dallas.
The 60’s band who made dark, gothic heavy metal famous performed to a crowd of about 20,000 fans ranging from teens to folks in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. The band’s front man is none other than that teetering old rock n’ roll icon Ozzy Osbourne. The show started at 7:30 with opening act Rival Sons, an American band from Long Beach, California.
As Black Sabbath entered the stage the crowd roared like a thousand lions. The band opened up with their namesake song “Black Sabbath” released in 1970 and the title of their first album. With every song the band play the crowd was like a huge backup singer, singing word for word. They played other hit songs such as War Pigs, Iron Man and Paranoid.
Going in to the concert I thought that Ozzy would look almost devilish and possessed. As the show progressed I realized that’s how he acted. He stood there in a blank face like he was a body without a soul Just a hallow corpse. Not jumping or moving around a lot. There were visual effects that went from screens full of maggots to a demonic figure destroying the earth and releasing all the demons from hell. The lighting throughout the show gave off a satanic vibe that one would naturally expect from the Godfather of Goth.
Ozzy has informed the press that he may not tour again…thus “The End” tour…but if he should I highly recommend this classic rock show. Ozzy doesn’t disappoint.