2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Flag Retreat Ceremony
By: Alexandra Chheng, 11
The Bryan Adams’ JROTC took 21 cadets to the State Fair of Texas on Monday, October 10th to participate in a flag retreat ceremony, which is an event that honors the American and state flag and the principles for which they stand.
Every year, the State Fair invites JROTC programs from various high schools in Texas to lower and fold both the national and state flag at 5 o’clock p.m. as The United States Marine Drum and Bugle Corps play the national anthem.
Many people gathered around to witness the flags slowly lower with their hand placed over their hearts.
The weather was unbearably hot, however that did not stop cadets from enjoying the fair before the ceremony started. They went on thrilling rides and tried tons of fried foods. The fair was so packed that they had to wait 30 minutes in line to purchase coupons.
“I wanted to throw up and was about to pass out but it was an honor to take down the Texas flag and represent Bryan Adams. It’s an experience I won’t forget,” said Cindy Salinas, 12.
“It was crowded, really hot, but the lemonade was really good,” said Raul Mendez, 11.

The cadets pose for a picture at the State Fair.