2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Cougars leave their mark!
By: Samantha Arakachi, 12
On Saturday December 17, Bryan Adams AVID students volunteered at the annual Operation Care event at the Dallas Convention Center. Students had to meet up at White Rock Station at 6:15 a.m. to board the Dart train and arrive at the venue to volunteer until 12 p.m. Operation Care is an organization that focuses on providing goods, services, and financial gifts given by caring people who want to put in their time to help out the homeless individuals and families.
Students got to the convention center and were immediately overwhelmed with how many homeless individuals and families were already lined up for who knows how long. Different types of people and different age groups were in that line: Hispanics, African Americans, and Whites who were probably in their mid 20's to their 60's. Some were laying on the floor, some had chairs, and some had blankets down on the ground as well.
Avid students went inside the center and grabbed their volunteer badges, they immediately went to work. There were many stations that the volunteers could help out in such as the kid’s arts and crafts, touring the homeless around the venue, handing out toys to the kids, handing out new clothing, etc.
The organization provided the homeless people many different things. They offered them free haircuts, clothing, glasses for their eyes, a meal, a foot wash, and there was even a petting zoo for the kids. They were handing out toys for the kids and handing out donuts in every corner for everyone.
As the homeless were walking inside the event, they seemed so happy and excited. When they were being greeted by volunteers, they danced, laughed, and even sang Christmas songs as they walked by the greeters. Right next to the entrance was a station that allowed the homeless to leave their bags so that they wouldn't have to carry them around the big venue.
"I was a bit nervous at first, but as they smiled and thanked me for helping them check in their bags, I felt helpful and appreciative for the things I usually would take advantage of. I felt very useful and glad that I could help in some way. I'm glad I contributed and would love to do it again." said Hannia Rojas.
Overall, the AVID students were able to partake in an event that was solely focused on helping those less fortunate. They hopefully learned to be grateful for the small things that they have and to be more cautious about the things they usually take for granted.