2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Cougars and Bulldogs unite
By: Nicole Rodriguez,11
Thursday, March 23rd B.A.nd attended the Gill elementary PTA to get them excited for their STAAR. Gill students were in their auditorium getting cheered on by their teachers, all of the staff, and fellow students. Gills cheerleading team performed a chant to get the audience cheering and excited. The B.A.nd did their traditional Run-on, where the band runs in to the auditorium giving off a vibe of excitement with a rush of wind. While the band is placed in the aisles, playing the fight song to bring the cheerleaders into the auditorium. The drumline is on stage as they play the traditional Belle kick to introduce the Belle Officers.
Kids are screaming, yelling, and jumping in their seats. They are being talked to by Ms. Perkins about their upcoming important test. When Perkins asks the kids if they have an upcoming test all you can hear in the auditorium in “YES!” The band played their traditional “I want you dancing” while the belles and cheerleaders danced to the song along with the Gill students.
As the band left the auditorium, they out into Parade formation so they could march through the halls of Gill out to the parking lot. Marching through the halls the kids were holding up signs saying thank you to the BA organizations and clapping along with the music being played. Once in the parking lot the band played more songs for the students before they got on the busses to go home. Both Gill and the BA students were singing along to the songs and dancing.
The BA band is a very unique organization. No other band is like BA.