2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Arts over the years
By: Tania Chavez, 12
1) This drawing is actually from a photograph I took of my 7 year old cousin. Knowing how flexible she is I had her do different poses since I didn't want the drawing to be plain and boring. Although it did take me a while to get the right picture on top of drawing it, I found this to be one of my favorites.
2) Not sure where I got this idea from, it was very random. I usually draw something that has to do with plants (nature is my favorite). I had a plant in my room which I really liked, so I figured I should wrap it around my arms, take a few shots and draw, the result was this. I used black charcoal and a white prisma color for the hands, on the other hand I decided to give the leaves some color rather than keeping everything black and white.
3) For this project, my art teacher Mr. Yerger assigned us to do a mandala. I had a different idea and decided to do one with real flowers instead of drawing one on paper. My idea was to use warm colors, so I went to the store and bought 4 bouquets. I cut them stems off, leaving only the flowers and leaves to place them on a black board and created a circular pattern then took a photograph afterwards, again this is my first hands on project.
4) It's rare for me to do linear perspective - I’m more into drawing portraits and anything that has to do with nature but this is something I did last year. I went out to North Park Mall and took many shots in different areas. I was looking for a good angle where lines intersect, good shadows since I picked to do this project in pencil and out of all the pictures I took this is the one I chose to draw.