2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
A time for giving
By: Siscely Crayton, 11
Holiday seasons are here and it's the time for giving. On days like this we should reflect and be grateful for what we got throughout the year and for what we have but that can be tough for those in need! The typical family on Thanksgiving and Christmas spend their break with their other family and friends gathered around the big table eating food, enjoying the company and generally having a good time. While selfless volunteers and non-profitable organizations take time out of their schedules to help provide for people who can't on their own such as the homeless who, fight off transitioning weather, for food and a place to lay their heads. These are issues we never seem to notice around this time of the year.
Homeless shelters around this time of year are packed and are in desperate need of more food and spaces for these people to sleep, which results in overcrowding whether it's on the streets or inside the shelters. Staff and volunteers at Dallas life homeless shelter worked long and hard hours trying to make sure they had food, bedding and clothing for those people. Dallas life provided men and women with hot meals but some people didn't get to enjoy those free benefits.
For example, Davey, a senior citizen who on average spends his week scavenging for food, panhandling and sleeping wherever there was space, wasn't so appreciative for the effort that the shelter dished out. He leaves the shelter everymorning around 5:00 Am and he's back on the streets continuing his daily routine. Davey spent his thanksgiving at Dallas life shelters located in the downtown area.
"The place was so crowded and I didn't get anything to eat and people wonder why I think thanksgiving is the worst holiday. How could you be grateful on a day where you have nothing to be thankful for ! " he said.
Others like Jasco understood the meaning of Thanksgiving and was happy and grateful enough to be able to try again at a diffrent shelter around the downtown area. Jasco on the other hand seeks help for his drug and alchol addiction and he's currently enrolled at Alcoholic anonymous, which is an international organization of individuals who have struggled with drinking at some point in their lives. Here and now you might see him at soup kitchens and just looking out for himself. Jasco also got the opportunity to attend the meal giveaway as well and he was happy even though he didn't get anything but a smile.
" I stood in line and watched their faces drop while scrambling to find some more food, I knew it could've been good but I wished for the best and even though that didn't come, I was grateful ! " said Jasco
Giving is year round and no matter how much or little you have, be grateful.