2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Not just a quiet place
By: Leslie Sandoval, 10
The BA Library and media center is not a typical school library. Bryan Adams Library and Media Central is a hidden gem on the campus. The Library provides a lot of services and opportunities for students. The library has about 12,000 books and they'll be getting 100 new books soon according to Librarian Ronald Mart.
"We have books, good graphic novels, a courtyard, and we're starting a College and Career Section. Also we have computers and a lot of online data bases," he said.
Mr. Ronald Mart said the library is used more than ever after having electronics added. Computers and databases are more helpful and students can access the internet quickly. At least 300 students go on a daily basis. Juniors and seniors use the library most.
Some use the library to hangout, others for a stress free zone and still others to do work and research.
Bryce Alvarez said he goes out to the courtyard because it's relaxing.
“People can be themselves and not have to worry about what others have to say because they’re all friends there,” Bryce said.
The Librarians said that students are welcome to come anytime. They want kids in the library and “they don't have to worry about being quiet.”