2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
College Fair
By: Jessica Gamiz,12
On Wednesday September 21st Dallas ISD held a college fair at Jesse Owens Memorial Athletic Complex. There were over 100 of different colleges to learn about. The event was a total success there were a lot of people from different schools in the district.
A mixture of our seniors and juniors attended the event. Each college had a representative that gave out information about the college and answered questions anyone had.
"Although the trip was long and it was very crowded i'm glad i went because I gained information about the college i'm interest in as well as others" said senior Hannia Rojas.
With the help of Mrs. Lamana, Coach Morrow and Ms. Berrios seniors were prepared with questions to gain the information they needed to know about their choice college. Students went home exhausted after 2 hours of intense college researching but they gained the information they needed.
Alondra Hernadez,12 was looking at US Naval Academy

Coach Morrow takes selfie with Mrs. Berrios, Ms. Garcia, Mrs. Lamanna, Mr. Mart, Ms. James and Ms. Jones