2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Many 2015 seniors are unhappy about the new vertical senior ID’s. In years past senior badges were horizontal while those of underclassmen were vertical. Now all student ID’s are vertical.
Student IDs were issued earlier than ever this year and were redesigned with the new BA logo.
Past senior badges were seen as a sort of “badge of honor” that set the graduating class apart from the freshmen, sophomores and juniors. Seniors were able to be easily recognized for their special status. Now the seniors are embarrassed to be asked what grade they are in.
“It’s a shame that Ms. Solorio had to look at my badge and ask me what grade I am in,” said Jonas Veazey, 12.
According to Athletic Director Stacy Segal, there was no official policy about the orientation of senior IDs.
“What happen was that in the summer when we changed our background and logo we didn’t want the student ID’s to look the same as the staff,” she said. “No seniors nor class officers informed the staff about how they wanted their badges.”
Some can see Coach Segal’s point.
”Because we are seniors and we should have gotten it, the class president should of done something about this,” said Brandon Santana, 12.
Teachers might say we are over reacting about the badges but when we were freshman, sophomores and juniors we would look at the senior knowing who they were due to their badges”, said Diana Calcanas, 12.
In the end most seniors believe that they should have had a special badge so they could be recognized for their accomplishment of making it to their senior year.
“I’ve been waiting since freshman year for my badge to be sideways. These 3 years have been a waste of time. I might as well go back to middle school,” said Alan Garcia, 12
Turn for the worse
Seniors gripe about badges