2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Loss of Words
A poem by Naomi Martinez
The voice that I hear is as loud as a bird. Humans are unknown as we are told, no one really knows who we are within ourselves. The loss of love and respect is an issue that nowadays we find it smoothing. Unwilling to discover more of what is out there than tying a shoe.
The unknowns are unaware of the pain and suffering they have cost. Good or in a bad way. This point they have made their mind up of what goals are limited to them. No thinking about no regrets. Just a cold soul… the mysteries they wondered were solve but they didn't find what they were actually looking for. No worries though, that was the least of their worries. The green and fame were too high that love, kindness and care were the weaknesses to their souls. That's why there was so much violence and death around them. They rather suffer a major cause at once than suffer ‘lil by ‘lil with love that was getting destroyed that was an awful image for them to see.
Many woman were part of this scene. It was a parade full of gold and weakness. They fed of that from the unknowns. Many treasures were given to them with no doubt nor exceptions.
One evening a butterfly got the eye of a bunny. The unknown bunny investigated to know when this butterfly will return. Luckily a rainbow showed the way to the butterfly. A place made of chocolate. She was joyful, happy and full of life that everyone envied. The bunny then welcomes itself in the world of coco. Spotting the butterfly he knew he had to have her. The rainbow saw a connection and guided them to each other. The bunny and the butterfly finally met...
After a while of knowing each other the bunny found out that the butterfly lived across the sea. He wanted to take her out so he went across the sea for the butterfly. They went to a world name Denny’s that was a magical night that decided there lives. The bunny loved the way the butterfly was and asked her to be his lover. The butterfly, with no doubt, went into the new life with him. They were okay at first but the single mindset of both were still there. That's when it went downhill.
The butterfly went to a forest where all animals meet up. Another butterfly went in and gave her a peck. The butterfly felt so bad that she had to tell the bunny the issue. The bunny forgive her and they moved on. But then the bunny was also doing the butterfly wrong from the start behind her back. He lied to her and the bunny betrayed her in the worst way. He cheated on her with his ex-butterfly. They kissed twice so called tender kisses which also included dirty words. The butterfly felt alone and not special to be his girl anymore. So she left him. He tried and tried and tried but she still was hurt because of the betrayal. In the end he won her back and said he would change.
They were good but then the bunny gave up and went back to his old ways . Treating the butterfly like shit and not worried about the pain he was causing. The butterfly stayed and was there for everything he needed. It seemed that is wasn't enough. She left, she felt she wasn't enough. ... he was opening his mind several times and tried to change but he still kept lying…he kept sending words to his ex bunny he was sooooooooooooooo in love with.That love he doesn't have and never will. That's out of line and now they just argue . Got to the point were the butterfly's color was fading away . Butterfly also made noises that sounded like she was lost and hurt from everything that the butterfly had been through . She wanted to break herself in pieces . Now the bunny uses her weakness in love to crush the butterfly down . And call her a bitch . At this point the butterfly is hurt but still with him. Now time is the only thing that will show the love that is there. for now there's only rain..