2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Gun Control, A Burning Battle
Gun Control vs the Constitution: America’s Pitiful Debate
By: Victoria Velasco
In America today, Gun control has been the main factor and so called solution for ending mass shootings and violence that has emotionally impacted the country’s state of stability. To some civilians, setting restrictions on gun registration and promoting a gun free environment for everyone to stay “safe” is the only choice this country has. On the other hand, gun activists feel that these certain gun regulations are not only unconstitutional, but infringe upon law abiding citizens that carry a sense of self responsibility and knowledge. I find this issue to be completely compelling because due to the excessive amount of the social media and government propaganda, there is a huge desire for a proper solution that compromises between the two opposing sides for the safety and liberty of this country.
On one side of the spectrum, political organizations and party affiliations have worked together to create more restrictions against firearms which has successfully controlled legislation and the political worlds’ agenda. For instance, the Democratic Party and President Obama recently proposed a new plan to require people who are in business of selling firearms to get a license and conduct background checks (White House Office of Press Secretary 2016). Not to mention, the ATF is also hiring 200 more workers just to enforce these gun laws. With this action, the White House administration is working on creating more steps to promote “smart gun technology” that would help reduce the amount of “accidental discharge” or abuse over firearms (White House Office of Press Secretary 2016). While many anti-gun activists are pleased with this order, many gun owners and constitutionalists feel that with the amount of background checks stores have now, it would be a controversial issue that effects the safety of others and 2nd amendment values. According to the National Rifle Association, there are a number of 300 million firearms that are owned by civilians in the U.S. (NRA Statistics 2014) and approximately 72% out of 1,012 adults that own firearms individually and in households (2005 Gallop poll). With these statistics, pro-gun activists believe that gun ownership makes up a huge part of our country’s self-defense skills and without them, many law abiding citizens would be left defenseless against criminals. Just like gun control activists, there are many organizations and parties such as the NRA and Constitutional Party that support and take huge interest in the gun rights movement to fight for the rights of conservatives and gun owners all across the country. They believe the solution end the abuse of firearms starts with eliminating the amount of ignorance society carries towards them. Overall, they want to promote a gun-educated environment that teaches people the safety precautions that must be taken in order to decrease the violence that plagues our country’s stability and constitutional values.
Primary Research
Throughout the process of this research paper, I have interviewed and surveyed a variety of students that answered their viewpoints on gun control and what the country should do as a whole to stop the abuse of weaponry. I created yes or no questions that specifically ask about how they feel restricting gun sales. While many people felt strongly on adding gun restrictions, it seems that from my free response questions about solutions to gun violence, many felt that there needs to be a huge amount of education that comes along with obtaining a weapon. In addition, I asked questions regarding how they would feel if there were no gun free zones on school campuses. Half of the people I surveyed believed that there would be a huge controversy if that become a reality but to my surprise, there was a good amount of others that had a different opinion of it.
Although a majority of students including females, responded with the same feeling of discomfort and fear for their safety, there was a bit of a distinction between the male’s opinions over gun free zones. Many of those students believed that school environments would be safer without those zones because there would be a greater amount of defense skills campuses can use in order to prevent mass shootings. With these results from my classmates, it gave me a different perspective about society and that there are a silent majority that believe gun rights are essential to self-defense.
Next, I interviewed and surveyed many of the history teachers here at school and a quite frankly many oppose on the idea of no gun free zones on school campuses even when there was a certain amount of students that approved the idea. With that in mind, I created a question for teachers asking if they would conceal carry on school campuses if it became an opportunity. Of course, half of them I interviewed felt uneasy with the idea. The other half however, felt that it was necessary if they had the qualifications. In addition, they also were in favor of their constitutional values and felt that there were enough restrictions on gun sales as it is. One teacher even compared America’s gun control legislation to Australia’s and Europe’s gun control which is known to be the most unconstitutional acts in our society. He also mentioned that society itself should not have to go through a possible confiscation when it has been proven to be the most tyrannical in other countries. Overall, the teachers and students had differing opinions that demonstrated the division of society as many feel a certain solution is the way to solve gun violence.
From reading and analyzing my results, I’ve discovered the inaccuracy of my peers’ prior knowledge about the intentions of gun control. While many students claimed to follow the constitution in this country, they were in favor of legislation that would directly violate those values. This information not only proved the ignorance within this field, it specially gave clear evidence on why there is more gun control within our society as many have no type of understanding towards the importance of self-defense and gun safety. Not to mention, it also gave me more entail and solutions to fix the unnecessary fear of gun and firearms usage. Although there was an exception of a few students that clearly positioned with gun activists’ argument, it demonstrated the urgent need of gun education within school systems.
However, the teachers’ responses gave me a clear sign to the solution of fixing this broken system. Many of them urged the need of less government assistance with regulations against gun sales and believed that with this type of legislation, our country would be headed towards the wrong direction as our constitution was based on self-defense and freedom. With this information, it demonstrates the desirable urge for education within our younger generation that should be enforced by our older generations for the future of our society. Overall, I felt that the survey itself was successful in demonstrating the need of gun education and giving consideration towards my solution to end gun violence by ending gun free zones.
Gun Control vs Freedom
The first position that is very common with the issue of gun control are people who support the restrictions and greatly feel that the safety of this country is far more paramount than the rights of gun owners. First, one of the main reasons why people want regulations on gun usage is to lower the rate of gun violence and deaths that are occurring in this country. In one of my articles that I researched, the author, Shannon Watts, believed that with the NRA’s “evil agenda”, more and more advocates are becoming extremists with the issue and think that with these gun laws, they will stay safe which she implied was a “myth” (Watts 2015). Furthermore, Watts concluded that the families of this country are more important than open carry laws that quite frankly set a bad and dangerous example to children. With this point of view, it demonstrates the stress and concern that a majority of citizens feel towards a problematic cause like this.
In another article, I researched author Etzioni Amitai who also believed that the NRA and Congress should stop forcing their agenda on other states and focus on the safety of citizens across the nation. He also believes that disarmament, which includes banning the sales of ammunition, would positively damage gun manufacturers and save the country from destruction within the system and society itself. Not to mention, he adds the true definition of “domestic disarmament” which is a way for progressives to achieve their goals in regulating gun usage (Amitai 2015). In conclusion, the author strongly believes “domestic disarmament” is a constitutional movement for Congress to pursue without creating chaos within society (Amitai 2015). This relates to the position’s agenda on gun control as it demonstrates the mindsets and willingness to stop gun violence at all cost.
The second position that counters the first position of the issue of gun control are people who strongly support their constitutional rights and feel that gun restrictions would be an infringement of their 2nd amendment. Throughout my research, I have found many articles that support and give alternative solutions to end gun violence instead of passing unconstitutional restrictions. One author that gives an a different solution to the table is Christy Stutzman, a mother that gives a persuading statement urging other mothers to stand with the “Mothers Unite against Gun-Free Zones” as she delivers an argument claiming that gun free zones are a danger zone for their kids. Stutzman’s main purpose of this article is to encourage mothers who are worried about the safety of their children going to school to take a stand against gun free zones and exercise their 2nd amendment rights. With this strategy, she also adds helpful statistics which gave a report from the Crime Prevention Research Center that reported from 2009 to 2014, 92% of the mass public shootings took place in gun free zones (Stutzman 2015). With these facts, it demonstrates the harm these zones have caused for kids all around the country. This article is relevant to the solutions this particular position thinks is constitutional right could save many lives and there are more alternatives that can solve gun violence.
Another alternative solution that many pro-gun activists feel could help stop the ignorance of gun usage is providing more gun education in public schools and training at home. In the article “Utah Weighs Gun-Safety Class for Middle School Students”, author Blake Andrew informs the public about Utah’s willingness to promote gun safety by adding firearms classes to middle school curriculum. With this current event, the author gives the audience insight to what Utah’s senator, Todd Weiler, includes in this course that is not required for every school in the state. This specific article is a huge alternative that many gun supporters feel is the best solution to educate society in learning the basic training of gun usage instead of passing legislation out of fear. It also gives insight to state legislation and the way citizens perceive this issue.
Besides those certain solutions that could decrease gun violence in society, this position’s agenda has made progress in the state of Texas as the article “Texas Lawmakers Pass Bill Letting People Carry Guns on College Campuses” by Morgan Smith describes the ruling of the Senate Bill 11 which allows college students and teachers to conceal carry on campuses. The author also adds opposing sides to the verdict as many of the Texas democrats are worried about the safety of the students in college. In addition, he includes the opinions of many gun activists that feel this law is not beneficial to their side as it gives control to the campuses on when and where the guns can be seen or carried. Although this recent legislation holds controversy within gun activists, it relates to Position 2’s argument as it demonstrates the type of gun legislation they desperately want in the country besides Obama’s executive orders on gun control.
Unlike Position 1 and 2’s point of views that completely counter each other, Position 3 consists of people who are neutral of the situation and see no type of solution for any side of the argument for gun control.
In many articles I have researched, there are some people that feel that the issue in general is separating the country and only creating more problems within society that we can no longer tolerate. For instance, in the article “In Gun Control Controversy, Can Americans Handle the Truth?” Mario Almonte gives a neutral insight about the controversy of gun control and explains what must happen in order to come to a conclusion. The author’s main purpose of this article is to inform the public that both sides are incorrect and no matter what, they would always have evidence and reasoning to defend their side of the issue. As a whole, he questions if everyone as human beings should urge people to face the problems of violence and distrust between our government. This article is relevant to what many people feel as they have no type of solution to this issue.
Also, one of my other articles I researched had to do with the history of the country’s gun legislation from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s time to our current present’s executive order on background checks. In Gregory Kreig’s article “Gun Control In America: How We Got Here”, the author gives historical events of different presidents throughout time that have implemented gun restrictions and laws that shaped the way our gun laws are today. With mandates following up to FDR’s National Firearms Act (1938) to Clinton’s Brady Bill (1993), these well-known acts that are now reversed in congress, have played a significant role to society’s perception of firearms. Although the author did not give his specific view on the issue, he provides people with factual evidence that gun legislation has been a trigger to constitutional rights that neither side can increase or stop in society.
Through the end of my research, I personally realized that I side more with the position 2 as it focuses more on my constitutional rights that I find to be the most significant aspect of this country. To me, security and safety is important but responsible gun owners should not have to suffer and be held accountable just because of a few cracked eggs in society. With the government’s willingness to control and end gun violence, they are only putting law abiding citizens in danger by enforcing legislation that makes it harder for families to safely protect themselves from any future harm. With this information, I also found many alternative solutions such as getting rid of gun free zones at school and public areas. Regardless of what law or regulation Congress decides to pass, criminals will still be criminals and even with a Supreme Court case like US v. Lopez in 1994, which increased gun regulations in public areas, these certain laws are not adequate and efficient enough to destroy gun violence. Murder is inevitable. Not to mention, Gun violence is a huge national security issue that must be stopped, but if the government and anti-gun activists only focus on restricting gun usage for everyone, it becomes a tyrannical issue that promotes gun confiscation. In general, I believe that the government needs to encourage families and individuals to be self-aware of their surroundings ad protect themselves from future harm that is bound to happen in the future without their assistance. Furthermore, if these constitutional rights are not strongly practiced, it would have a negative impact our state of survival and god given right of freedom.
Conclusion: The Constitution is the Way to Go
In conclusion, although there are many opposing views on this topic, the solution for solving the issue that anti-activists feel is important is decreasing the amount of gun control legislation that has infected our society with its ignorance on gun safety and the constitution. Throughout the issue, the government, specifically the Democratic Party, have fought hard to push on restrictions that effect the rights of people who are follow the law. With this fear of gun rights, it leaves society vulnerable to government corruption, criminal action, police brutality, and ignorance to our constitutional values that our ancestors fought and died for. Throughout this research paper, there have been countless misconceptions regarding the 2nd amendment and its importance to American lives. The way the media has portrayed gun rights has not only brainwashed society as a whole, but has affected our self-defense tools that enhance our chances of survival. Our only solution as a country is to abolish the fear of firearms and accept that education is the key to dropping crime rates.
Position 2 not only focuses on the safety of the country, but helps put a check on the executive branch’s executive action that has over powered Congress’s legislative process. With this stand against reducing gun control, it could help restore federalism within our Republic and create a self-independent mindset within our society. Throughout these last 7 years, our dependence on the government for protection has increased at an enormity, creating a frightening reality that ensures abuse towards our rights as citizens in the long run. If we do not find a way to reinstate the concept of “power to the people” for our 2nd amendment rights, we will definitely head towards a state of control that goes against our American core values.
Overall, the clear issue that needs to be resolved in our country is the oblivion that people have towards firearms and by far, the only option we have as a nation is to eliminate all gun free zones and extend our education system towards guaranteeing that our future generations have the proper skills necessary to defend their households while applying the Constitution towards their security.
Works Cited
Almonte, Mario. “In Gun Control Controversy, Can Americans Handle the Truth?” Huffpost Crime (2015): n. pag. Web. 13 May 2015
Blake, Andrew. “Utah Weighs Gun-Safety Class for Middle School Students” Washington Times (2016): n. pag. Web. 5 January 2016
Krieg, Gregory. “Gun Control In America: How We Got Here” CNN (2016): n. pag. Web. 7 January 2016
O'Mara, Mark. “Gun Debate? What Gun Debate?” CNN (2015): n. pag. Web. 1 October 2015
Smith, Morgan. Texas Lawmakers Pass Bill Letting People Carry Guns on College Campuses” Washington Post (2015): n. pag. Web. 3 June 2015
Stutzman, Christy. “Moms Unite Against Gun Free Zones” Washington Times (2015): n. pag. Web. 26 October 2015
Etzioni, Amitai. “Needed: Domestic Disarmament, not ‘Gun Control’ Huffpost Politics (2015): n. pag. Web. 7 December 2015
Watts, Shannon. “No Panic Buttons for the Public: Why Open Carry is Bad for America” Huffpost Politics (2015): n. pag. Web. 13 February 2015