2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Ask Amber 1/24/16
By: Amber
I have been having trouble with my BF of 2 years, you see there’s this guy that is talking to me, and buying me gifts. Amber what do I do?
-Dear Boy Trouble
If it’s meant to be it will happen just let everything cool down. But when in doubt jump out the window.
My parents have been telling me to quit band, but I don’t want to, Band is a big part of my life, I feel my parents don’t care. Amber what do I do?
-Dear Lack of Support
Your parents care but they probably don’t think it is good for you. Just talk to them, and make them understand how you feel.
I’m considering getting rid of 1 person because I’m ranked number 2 in senior class rank. Amber what should I do?
-Dear Class Crisis
Don’t do anything that will jeopardize your current rank but if you watched Dexter you should know how to get rid of someone without getting caught.