2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Cubs to Cougars
Freshman orientation prepares students for high school
Journalism advisor, Bryan Adams HS
On Wednesday, August 13 Bryan Adams High School held its annual freshmen orientation program called “Cub Camp”. The purpose of the event was to familiarize the Class of 2018 with their new surroundings and to inform both students and parents of the opportunities and expectations at BA.
Bryan Adams’ principal, Mr. Richard Kastl, kicked off Cub Camp with welcoming remarks to the over 400 attendees in the school auditorium. The honor guard presented the colors and performances by the Band and Belles followed. The new freshmen then attended four rotating informational sessions such as “Portrait of a Graduate” and “About High School”.
“The sessions were really helpful in answering a lot of questions that my parents and I had”, said Brianna Garcia who is coming to Bryan Adams from Gaston Middle School.
The camp ran from 4 – 8PM and introduced the new students to many of the school’s academic and athletic programs. The new Cougars were encouraged to sign up for clubs and organizations that caught their interest.
“I hope to do a lot more than I did in middle school so I signed up for Art Club and Dance”, said Sophia Ruiz, also from Gaston middle School.
Assistant Principal Stephanie Burns believes Cub Camp will have a positive effect on the new students’ integration into high school.
“The event was highly successful. We saw lots of smiling faces”, she said. “And the fact that we were able to pass out schedules to the freshmen will help the first few days of school run more smoothly”.
The event ended with a scavenger hunt for the “cubs”. It was a fun way to allow the new students to explore and familiarize themselves with the Bryan Adams campus.
“It’s a big school. I hope I don’t get lost but with all the changes and new things it’s exciting”, said incoming freshman Juan Vaquez.

Ms. Debra Jones describes the many science related opportunities available to students at BA. Destination Imagination, sponsored by Ms. Jones, competed at Global Finals at Knoxville, Tennessee. The team placed third at the international competition.