2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Alpa Bhatt
New BA math teacher exhibits high energy and high expectations
Alpa Bhatt is one of BA's new teachers in the Math Department. After interviewing her I noticed that she gives true meaning to being a teacher.
“Wanting to see students succeed academically and become leaders in their community. That is why I became a teacher," she said.
Ms. Bhatt is very excited about her new experience and she is determined to help students grow. One of her favorite quotes is “life is not fully lived until you impact one’s life.” She seems to live by that quote.
Ms. Bhatt is one of those teachers who is serious while teaching but doesn’t mind giggling while the students joke around.
She starts off the class by saying “You should get an A in this class and nothing but and A.” During the warm-up she reminds them of how much time they have left on an assignment. She encourages students to “Hurry, hurry, lets go” if they are not working.
She very actively moves around class to make sure everyone’s on task while using a demanding voice to tell students who are not working to do their work. She also reminds them to use SLANT.
Ms. Bhatt checks off students work as they do it. She keeps students in check by giving them a consequence by deducting points off their grade. One technique she uses to make sure her students are picking up the information is asking the same question repetitively. Finally at the end of class she gives positive feedback to student’s who attempt to give an answer.
Outside of school Ms. Bhatt enjoys reading personal development books, fiction and nonfiction, especially biographies.
“I love to read biographies of people like Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi,” she said.
Ms. Bhatt is from New York but is of Indian decent. She can speak Guajarati a language from her heritage.
Ms. Bhatt is new to BA but is trying her best for her students and to improve her skills in teaching. No problem on either count.