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Art club volunteers at Riley Middle School carnival



                By MELISSA PEREZ, 10




Art club members volunteered at Riley Elementary’s fall carnival on Friday, October 24th.


The festival started at 5:30 and lasted till 9PM. About 20 Art club members face painted, gave temporary tattoos to the children and helped with other activities.


Even though they knew they were going to receive community hours the art club members were happy to help at the event. It turned out to be a successful and delightful evening.


The youngsters at Riley were dressed in their Halloween costumes during the carnival. Little ghouls and goblins could be seen everywhere walking between the various stands and booths. The BA Art Club had their own classroom to get creative with their face paints and tats. They had a variety of ideas and designs to paint on the kids.


Some art club members were nervous when the parents of the children were standing right behind them watching them paint their kids’ faces.


“I was shaking when they were just watching me; I really tried my best not to mess up,” said Crystal Martinez, 10.


Most art club members thought it was going to be a piece of cake.


”It was a lot harder than we expected. We ended up getting way better at the painting at the end,” said Lilliana Rivera, 10.


Art club sponsor, Ms. Mallory Sanders, was proud of the club and the fact that students from BA came out to support a school in the BA feeder pattern.


 “They were super helpful! We were the largest group that showed up, it was noticeable that we were helping at almost every booth wearing our new art club shirts,” said Ms. Sanders.





BA Journalism


Crossroads, the official newspaper of Bryan Adams High School, has been continually published since the school's opening in the fall of 1957. If you have suggestions for a story, news, corrections or just wanna say howdy call the BA Journalism Department at 972.502.5027 located in Room 249. 

Bryan Adams High School


Bryan Adams High School enrolls students in grades 9-12 and is a part of the Dallas Independent School District. The school serves the area of Dallas east of White Rock Lake.


Telephone: 972.502.4900

FAx: 972.502.4901

Address: 2101 Millmar Drive, Dallas, TX 75228

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