2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Ask Amber
Do you need advice? Do you have relationship problems? Problems at school, work or home? Just need a friend to listen? I'm your girl. You can ask me anything. I'll do my very best to give you excellent advice.
Dear Amber,
With this new dress code at school is there any way to still be stylish while walking the halls of BA?
Stylin' NOT!
Dear Stylin' NOT!,
Of course you can still be stylish with our dress code. Put your own style in it from your shoes to your sweater or jacket - even a belt if you wear one. Also don't forget your hair style!
Dear Amber,
What could I do to improve my grades and studying habits at BA?
C Student
Dear C Student,
If you want to improve your study habits you could come before school to study in the library. Even during lunch on your spare time you could go to the courtyard and study. You might even stay after school to study or get extra help. Our teachers are willing to help you with anything you need if you just ask. As you can see there are many ways to improve your grades and studying habits if you just make time to do it.
Dear Amber,
My boyfriend and I are seniors and we have several classes together. The problem is he always just wants to copy my work. He is my boyfriend after all but I don't think it's fair that I do all the work. What should I say or do without making him break up with me?
Copied Cat
Dear Copied Cat,
I think the best thing you should do is show him how to do the work himself rather than just letting him copy because he's not learning anything. Also, by any chance do you ever think he might just be with you because you give him all the answers? If so than my advice is - get a new boyfriend!

Ask Adam
Bet you didn’t know Amber had a brother! We guys have problems and need advice too.
Hey Adam,
My girlfriend and I will be together for a year soon, what should I do for that special date?
Wow a year huh? Well this is a big date and EVERY girl loves when you put effort in something that involves the both of you. So this date can start two ways. It can be expensive or priceless, no matter what, you start with flowers. Expensively you go to her house take her to Studio Movie Grill or Cinemark after you take her out to eat somewhere nice like a downtown restaurant. Then a walk around the park should bring an end to an awesome Year Anniversary. OR, if your girlfriend isn’t materialistic just have a picnic and a walk around the park. That should pretty much sum up the date. A movie night at your place wouldn’t hurt either. Crongrats on the year bro!
Hey Adam,
School has been pretty hectic and I’m very much disorganized. I always seem to procrastinate every chance I get. Any advice that can help with organizing?
Striving for excellence
Procrastination runs in every guy’s blood. We always wait to the last second for almost everything. Oh like this one time I… umm never mind I’ll finish that later. Anyways, an easy way to get rid of the procrastinator in you is put reminders on that awesome smartphone of yours to keep you alert on the things you need to do. JUST DON’T FORGET TO PUT IT IN YOUR PHONE! Oh, that story I was going to tell you... I completely forgot about it. Oh Well.
Dear Adam,
I’m feeling down at home because I feel that my parents give all their attention to my big sister. How can I win my parents affection back?
Dear Neglected,
It sucks being the younger one right? Well, you have to understand that siblings are equally loved by their parents. it’s just that one wants to be more spoiled than the other. Here are some tips: Go up to your mom and give her that Puppy Dog eyes and hit her with a “Hey Mom, Can I Have *****?” She’ll have no choice but to get you what you want. Hope that helps bro. Oh, and don’t be mad at your sister she still doesn’t have the swag you have.