2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
After high school college is not the only proactive option. Military is one of many chosen right after high school. Many of Bryan Adams staff has experience in the military fields. As B.A students or any student our main goal if any is to graduate. And for many of us that’s hard, especially when trying to keep grades up. While some students are preparing for big colleges like Baylor, Tcu etc regular students are just trying to get to class on time. The hassle of the hallways is enough. No one has the time to think of the bigger responsibilities of college. An average teen spends a lot of time watching TV or on electronics. We often ignore commercials unless we spot something we like. A bunch of nothing too many of us but for people with limited time and choices a commercial is just what they need…. If you ever stop to listen to the constant babbling in the halls you’d find out that some people have plans of joining the army. Yes the army.
Joining the army doesn’t always sound ideal especially if you’re a stereotype, “I don’t want to die young” “who wants to lose their mind” a lot of negative but actually the army has a lot of perks. For one you get an all paid expense for college, when you serve your term the army will even help pay for your house. Getting a job after the army will even be a lot easier knowing you helped protect the country and all. Not to mention the honor and respect you’ll gain from citizens back home. A great fact to know is that few people actually die in the army, the biggest perk of all. If you’re the type to say no ill never join the army think again most people don’t plan on joining but do, while having the most memorable experience of their lives.
Even some of your teachers will agree just ask MS. Birdwell a young mild mannered ambitious girl who was destined for marriage …not the army type you might say but after her fiancé stands her up her life seems to come to a standstill. Many of Ms. Birdwell family were soldier and after this hard break she didn’t know what to do or where to go the suggestion of the army seemed like the right place. Overtime the soft hearted young lady became the tough strict well known woman today. A teacher who spends her time educating her students, with structure and heart.
A lot of students who come from bad homes doubt success in their future, and don’t see college as an option for them. Luckily the army is a place for chance. Joining the army not only gives students the opportunities for college it’s a place for jobs and careers. Mr. Gallo a devoted chemistry teachers with loads of experience with a lot of things and always wears a smile….didn’t start off so well, from a father with a temper that gets out of control and the demanding personal problems, the army is where he ended up no exceptions. “Somewhat of a challenge in many ways” he says the place of retreat lead the way to his amazing life’s journeys and his undying love for children. A place of many glorious sights and horrors”
College is one of the biggest things stressed in high school but that doesn’t mean it’s right for everyone. There’s other options just as good as college , with as much success guaranteed…The military! The military allows students to get educations in unlimited fields. Plus loads of perks after serving time. Many people call the military the all in one. Allowing students an education, career and support afterward …So if college isn’t your thing try the military.