2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
BA & St. Pius
Bryan Adams High School and St. Pius X Catholic Church have been a great part of our community for many years. The church was founded three years before Bryan Adams High School opened in 1957. At that time, many families were arriving from Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans, and many other cities.
Father Michael Guadagnoli is one of five priests at St. Pius X Catholic Church. He has served the church and the community for six years.
Many B.A students attend mass at St. Pius X. For Father Guadagnoli, it means that, “God has called all of them to come to mass and it’s the reflection that our doors of the church are always open for them.”
There are many ways in which the students can get involved in activities that the church offers.
“There’s students that probably go to Bryan Adams that attend classes every Tuesday or Thursday in our Faith Formation Program and there might be some young adults that are in our Youth Ministry,” said Father Guadagnoli.
Father Guadagnoli says St. Pius X has many ways it serves the parish and BA students.
“Some students get help in our Faith Formation Program (Church School, on Tuesdays or Thursdays), personal reunions (one on one talk with the priest) and spiritual retreats (time to communicate with God spiritually or doing activities that can help a person connect with God). They are great ways in how we can help some of the students that need to solve difficult situations and to make decisions based on their conscious and faith,” said Father Guadagnoli.
Senior, Maria Serratos, attends mass at St. Pius X.
“The church, in my education, has helped me with my norms and the way I behave adequately as a citizen during, before and after school,” she said. “I’ve benefited from some of the services that the church offers. The church keeps me united with my family and forms part of the society where we use our culture for different circumstances in our lives.”
Senior Benjamin Loza says that St. Pius has kept him well grounded.
“The church has kept me from socializing with bad influences during school. It has also helped my family and me in staying together in the most difficult times,” he said.
At last, Father Guadagnoli, has some advice for the students that are going to graduate from BA this year.
“God has called you to be happy and search for your happiness. Don’t be afraid to be different. The world needs young adults that value their testimony, beauty and life through their actions and words. Go ahead and impact the world in a positive way wherever you decide to go.”