2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Ready, Set, Present!
Seniors work on their performance assessments
In recent weeks BA started their Performance Assessment Exhibitions during Advisory periods as a part of the Leadership Academy BA has become. The purpose of these exhibitions is to show what a presentation should be like and prepare underclassmen to work on their portfolio defenses that will be a part of BA everyday next year. In the exhibitions, students have to choose their best work that they have done this year from any class of their choice and showcase the process that they have done in order to complete their work.
Seniors will start the process followed by Juniors and Sophomores. Freshmen will prepare for next year and present their portfolio to the community and family.
Many seniors had no idea that they had to prepare a performance assessment until a week before. Many decided to present projects that they already completed for other classes.
“I was kind of shocked about the performance assessment because they announced it in such a short notice,” said Maira Padilla.
Because of the short week, Mr. Kastl gave students an extra day to prepare for the performance assessment. On the first day seniors that went to present their projects faced many technical problems like computers being down or lost Powerpoint Presentations. Many seniors are not following the presentation template due to this the class of 2016 received a text on Thursday to remind them to use the correct presentation template.
Overall this week students have been successfully presenting in other classes. This will set the example for the class of 2019.
“I saw some amazing presentations today. Shout out to Adam G. and Antonio B.” said Mr.Moran.