2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
The BA Way lessons were introduced for the first time this year to teach students the schools’ key values, expectations and other relevant information. Administrators collaborated to create the PowerPoint lessons that all teachers presented on the first two days of school .
Many students found out new things about BA and themselves. One of the lessons that many students enjoyed were those that explored different learning styles and personality types.
“I learned I was a yellow type personality,” said Lesley Martinez, 12.
Yellow personality types can be described as people oriented, expressive, friendly, loves to talk, extravagant, optimistic, enjoys team sports and other team activities. For those who know Lesley it sure seems to fit.
Some students, however, were a bit annoyed by being taught simple rules, organization methods and personality types. Take the Color Personality Test HERE.
“We’re almost adults. We don’t need to be taught simple rules again,” said Gabby Vidana, 12.
Overall the BA Way lessons had mixed reviews across the staff and student body. Some students and teachers saw the exercise as very useful. Others not so much.
Most students and staff know that the main purpose for everyone at BA is, of course, education.
“Hopefully the lessons will help students find out how they learn best,” said Ms. Garcia, English IV.
The BA Way
Lessons prepare students for new school year

Katie Fuentes carefully balances another section of a paper tower while Vereshia Giddings takes care not to move. The challenge was among the team building excercises during a day full of "BA Way" lessons.
Ms. Birdwell presents one of the BA Way lessons. The innovative new lessons helped students and staff prepare for the new school year.