2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Ask Amber
Do you need advice? Do you have relationship problems? Problems at school, work or home? Just need a friend to listen? I'm your girl. You can ask me anything. I'll do my very best to give you excellent advice.
Dear Amber
Hi, I’m a junior and I’m failing almost every class. I hate it. School is so stressful and my parents put a lot of pressure on me. My friends were telling me that I'm old enough to drop out without my parents approval. I’m thinking about taking their advice. What do you suggest I do?
School Not
School Not,
Thats absolutely the worst idea ever! What are you thinking? To drop out of high school just because you are being pressured to learn something new. You have to realize something. Nothing is free in this world nor will anything just come to you. Knowledge is very powerful and will get you very far in life. Can't you see that its a privilege to get a free education? Remember the harder you work the better the outcome, so relax take a chill pill and take it one step at a time.
Hey Amber,
So my best friend and I have known each other since 6th grade. This year it's different. We have been getting closer than ever. I hope thats a good thing because I'm starting to like him more than just a best friend. Im not sure what to do. I dont want to lose or mess up our friendship. Any advice for me?
Yay or Nay
Yay or Nay,
OMG.....thats too cute!! You should start by giving him small hints so he will start to realize that you're starting to like him. Find little excuses to be around him or playfully flirt with him, but not too much, you don't want to make it obvious. Play it cool, ask around maybe he likes you too! Good luck
Hello Amber,
A few months ago I was looking into joining the Army. I found it interesting so I set it as a choice after high school. I mentioned it to my mother and she was very excited about the idea. She was even bragging to everyone about it. Now I have all my choices and I'm second guessing the idea. When I mentioned it to my mom she seemed a little angry with me, but more disappointed. I dont know what I should do. I don’t want to disappoint her but it is MY life, right?
Geez this must be tough for you. You have to ask yourself, "Is her happiness more important than my own?" Of course not. You must live with absolutely no regrets and do what makes you happy even if it makes others unhappy. Its not your responsibility to keep them happy. I would guess that your mom loves you and will stand behind you with whatever you decide to do. Be sure its what YOU want. You never want live wondering the "what if's".
Dear Amber,
My boyfriend and I are seniors. We are going off to college soon but we are going our different ways. We are still managing to stay together. We will have a long distance relationship; I heard they don’t really work out. Do you think it’s a good idea? What should I do?
-Decisions, decisions
Dear Decisions,
Many people believe long distance relationship are a bad thing. It doesn’t have to be. It’s actually a test of the trust in the relationship. If your relationship can survive an extended absence then other challenges will be easier to overcome for both of you. You can still talk to each other on the phone or text. There is social media were you can communicate and web cams like Skype. You can visit each other when you can. Although you won’t see each other physically it can still work out. If it doesn’t it wasn’t meant to be.
Dear Amber,
My parents want me to be more active in school. They want me to join a club or sport. I really don’t want to. I’m naturally shy and in comfortable in groups. I like to be on my own. Amber, I’m really being pushed by my parents to do this. What should I do?
-Shy in Big D
Dear Shy,
Joining a club or sport in high school is very important if you want to be or stay active. You meet a lot of new people and make friends. It may take you out of your comfort zone for a while but as time goes by you’ll become more relaxed. It’s also very fun you don’t just go home after school and sit in your room instead you can be with people and have a great time. Give it a try, you might be surprised.
Dear Amber,
I want to get a tattoo but my parents disapprove. They say I’m too young. What do you think? –Tattooed Heart
Dear Tattooed Heart,
I say that you should wait until you are older because tattoos are in you for the rest of your life and you can’t take them back. Right now you want one but your mind changes about how you feel when you are older. You don’t want to get something and then regret it. Getting a tattoo is a big decision and parents are always right. Your parents are right and you should wait a couple of years and if you still want it then go ahead and get it.
Ask Adam
Bet you didn’t know Amber had a brother! We guys have problems and need advice too.
Dear Adam, I witnessed someone getting bully and I felt helpless like there was nothing for me to do. What do I do if this happens again?
Dear Witnessed,
Bullying is no laughing matter and needs to be taken seriously. Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University. So there different things that you can do to help. One tell a teacher or an adult with authority the situation that’s going on. Another thing to do which may help is to confront the bully and find out what’s the reason behind the attack. The worst but definitely helpful is to stand up for the victim and confront the problem first hand. It may get you in trouble but you will help a lot. Bullying needs to be stop at all cost. Every step is one step closer to ending it.
Dear Adam, Senior Year is hitting me like a freight train and I haven’t submitted any college applications. I’m scared I may have to go to community college and I won’t be able to experience that college life style. Any advice for being college bound.
From College Bound
Dear College Bound,
College is a whole new experience that will change our lives. If you really want to get to a university then apply for colleges. If money is a problem apply for as many scholarships as you can. Also don’t apply for just one college apply for several. Go by the ASP office and they can help out with college applications. Then make sure you take your SAT and study for high grades for better chances at bigger schools. But, community isn’t as bad as people make it. It has the same college vibe and will still give you the same education any other college can it’s just two years instead of four, and after those two years you go to a university and experience a bigger college. Same place different path bro.
Dear Adam,
I love when I grow my beard out and my girlfriend is always telling me to shave. I don’t want her to give me the ultimatum. What should I do cut it off or face my girlfriend?
From Beardless
Dear Beardless,
Facial Hair is life. Girls will never understand the significance of having a nice beard. A prime example of a full blowing beard is Mr. Stearns the U.S. history teacher. That’s some serious beard action! It’s really hard for me to give advice cause beard and girls are well basically life. I know for sure that your girlfriend shouldn’t give you that ultimatum talk. Try and find a way around it. BUT definitely grow it out especially for No Shave November. Give it time your girlfriend should get to use to it.