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Falls’ start

Cougar Kickoff marks the start of 2014 school year





                         By SAMANTHA MORALES, 12





Cougar Kickoff was a smashing success! On Wednesday evening, September 3rd, BA’s annual Cougar Kickoff took place in the auditorium.


As people filled the auditorium the BA Drum line performed. JROTC presented the colors while sophomore Stephan Rudeloff played The Star Spangled Banner. During the evening the crowd was entertained by the performances from the Kiest, Hexter and Gaston spirit teams. Coach Grace then introduced the 2014-2015 mighty Cougar football team. Other athletic teams were also introduced to the cheering crowd. The Kiest cheerleaders were quite popular and received a lot of complements for their dance routines.


“I really liked the Cougar Kickoff, it was really fun. The auditorium was actually full! What surprised me was the Kiest cheerleaders because they did things that I didn’t expect for them to do like the cool stunts,” said Naomy Martinez, 11

The famous Bryan Adams Belles are a familiar and traditional sight every Cougar Kickoff. The Belles had two performances. The first was a hip-hop routine and the second was the always popular Belle Kick.

“My favorite part was when the Belles performed. The Belle kick was very impressive because of how high they kick. It seems to go all the way to their faces,” said Reyes Garcia, 12.

By the time the Band rushed in and took the stage, the crowd’s school spirit was all pumped up. They provided more excitement to the event. Everybody enjoyed all of the fun that was going on with the different clubs. The festivities ended with the Cougar fight song and Alma Mater.


“The Cougar Kickoff never disappoints with its traditions, fun and over the top school spirit.GOO COUGARRSSSS!” said Joseph Alcocer.





BA Journalism


Crossroads, the official newspaper of Bryan Adams High School, has been continually published since the school's opening in the fall of 1957. If you have suggestions for a story, news, corrections or just wanna say howdy call the BA Journalism Department at 972.502.5027 located in Room 249. 

Bryan Adams High School


Bryan Adams High School enrolls students in grades 9-12 and is a part of the Dallas Independent School District. The school serves the area of Dallas east of White Rock Lake.


Telephone: 972.502.4900

FAx: 972.502.4901

Address: 2101 Millmar Drive, Dallas, TX 75228

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