2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Jittery beginnings
First dates cause mixed emotions
“Two years ago I was at the state fair with my first date, we decide to get on the Ferris wheel to be romantic. We were taking selfies, he leaned over me and tried giving me a kiss but I hugged him instead and I accidently pushed his arm and dropped his phone while we were close to the top on the ride,” said Alondra Hernandez 10th.
Most couples have those dumb moments when they are not paying attention and do embarrassing things like walking into walls or tripping over obstacles.
“November 11th, his name was Chris we went to the movies to watch Date Night. As we were walking into the movie theater we were talking I ran into the wall because I was trying to pay attention to him”, said La’taveya 12th.
While you’re on your first date and you and your girlfriend or boyfriend go with their parents sometimes awkward things can happen.
“Freshman year, we were going to a Down Town restaurant with my boyfriend and his parents.I was getting out the elevator and as I was walking up to the stairs my heel broke, said Monica Vela 12th.
When you LOL and you are with your date sometimes things come out unsuspectedly - like farting.
“It was at Chilies, her name was Julie and the waiter made a joke that I laughed so hard I farted out loud”, said Romello Philliphs 12th.
Here’s a little tips while you’re going on your first date and what you might should do.
Getting ready- (Girls) you want him to open the door and think, Wow! But without looking like you’re trying too hard.
At dinner- If you think he might pick up the check or don’t know how much food to order, ask him what he’s getting and choose a dish around the same price. When the check comes, offer to split it. If he insists on paying, don’t push it — just thank him and say you’ll buy him ice cream next
Saying Goodnight- if you want to go out again, let him know by bringing up something you talked about earlier, Ready for a kiss? Don’t rush out of the car when he drops you off — move closer to him and keep eye contact. If it’s on his mind too, he’ll lean in!

Monica Vela, 12 says first dates could be some what embarassing.
Alondra Hernandez 10 says maybe taking selfies on a ferris wheel is a bad idea.

Romello Phillips, 12 found out at Chilis that first dates can be awkward.
La'tevya Sharper, 12 says it was funny when she ran into the wall on her first date.