2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Fish out of water
This freshman faces the first day at BA
High school. The place where you are supposed to spend the best four years of your life. Finally I was here. My hand trembled as I opened the rustic door into the large school that is Bryan Adams High School. When I think of high school I see happy faces and bright colors all around. Instead what I see first seems to be organized chaos and oh, yeah, don’t most high schools have ceilings? This one didn’t. I was more worried about a pipe falling and hitting me on my head then about my classes.
I got over the fear of ceiling debris when I held my schedule in hand. This was what I have been waiting for all of these years, just to hold this white piece of paper. I made a promise to myself that I would stand out more. I didn’t want these four years just to be me standing in the back of the room and no one ever knowing me. I want to make a change and I know I will.
Finding my classes was not a walk in the park. I was buried in the crowd trying helplessly to find my way. I asked plenty of people to help but they were all rushing to their own classes leaving me to figure it out by myself. When the bell rang I was in the hall all alone. My big brown backpack crushing my spine as I walked in circles. I felt a hot tear come down my face. This is not how I pictured my first day. I’m lost. I pictured myself in my class taking notes, learning about the teachers and the students. I gave up, went to one of the restrooms, locked myself in a stall and sat down to give my back a quick break. I knew I couldn’t sit for long. I didn’t want this to be classified as skipping so I strapped on my backpack and looked at my schedule again. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I remembered that this class was right in front of the restroom! I rushed out of the stall and wiped the tears from my face. “You’re going to make it, you’re not the only one who is going through this. You’re just a freshmen,” I told myself. “I’m going crazy I’m talking to myself!” I walked quickly to my class and took a deep breath. I opened the door and immediately felt my stomach tighten into knots.
I walked in and everyone was staring at me. I could feel the judgement in the air. I tried to stand up straight with my head held high but I couldn’t. I pushed my big round glasses up onto my nose. “I’m such a nerd, no one will like me,” I said to myself. I took my seat at the back and looked around. I saw a girl with light brown hair that covered her face.
“Hi my name is Kierra, I’m new here.” I said in a low tone. She turned her head and sat up straight. “Hi, my name is Kelly …Kelly Green,” she said with a smile. “I am new here and I was just wondering if maybe you…” I took a moment to plan out my words. “Sure, I would love to” she said with a huge grin. “Nice glasses” she said. “Um, thank you. I think they make me look like a big nerd. That’s what my mom says.” I felt my head drop a little. “I think they make you look unique,” she said as she smiled. I looked at her shocked but smiled back. I couldn’t believe that it only took me less than two minutes to make a friend. I guess it’s true with they say Actually I don’t know what they say but it doesn’t matter I made a friend and I know I will make more in the future.
My first day at BA didn’t start out perfect but you can’t expect everything to be. I have learned that being in high school is a start to being an adult. Don’t give up because you are lost. You have to get up and suck in your tears and know that it’s going to be okay. So even though I still get a little lost I know that this is only the beginning.