2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Forensic Science
By Christin Guerrero, 11
Forensic science has been offered here at BA for many years. There is a new teacher teaching the class, Ms.Hays . She originally came from Samuel. This is her first year teaching here and it’s also her first year teaching this course.
“Students enjoy my class because of the connection I make with them,” she said.
Ms. Hayes makes the course relevant for her students. She draws from real life examples of actual crimes. Most are local in nature. The first thing students learn are her expectations, then at the end of each week students are expected to find one current event and write what happened and their thought on how it should be handled. She doesn’t take any late work.
Students learn how to take fingerprints with the help of a partner using an ink pad. Then they identify what patterns they have, for example, loop, arch or whorl. Each persons prints are different, some criminals cut off their fingertips so that they won’t leave prints behind. finger prints are used to find criminals and keep genetic records. When taking fingerprints , they need to be taken by someone else. You cant just do your own fingerprints because when you do them yourself they just don't come out legible. .
One project many students like is how to secure a crime scene. Students created a crime scene for each group and then modeled it using dummies, fake weapons , artificial blood, crime scene tape and markers .
“The students enjoyed setting up the actual mock of the crime scene and guessing what happened in each incident,” she said.
Forensic Science is the scientific method of gathering and examining information about the past which is then used in a court of law. This course aims to explain the scientific principles and techniques behind the work of forensic scientists like detectives and the FBI.
This course provides students with knowledge of the jobs we don’t really hear about. for example , we know about the FBI but has anyone really heard anything on them? Like what they actually do ? This class provides a lot for students and gets them physically involved. Many students enjoy this class so if this course interests any students i highly recommend signing up for this class.

Taking legible prints of someone else. Remember to wear your gloves!
One of the class projects is to create a crime scene using dummies.