2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
It Takes Two
Friend made Katy Perry concert possible for both of us
Friendship is the most valuable thing you can have. I say this because one of my friends recently went out of his way to help me fulfill one of my dreams.
I’d always hoped that one day I could see Katy Perry in concert. She had scheduled a concert on October 2nd and I really wanted to go.
There was such high demand for the show that a huge pre-sale was held on January 25th of this year. The tickets sold out in less than two days. Unfortunately, a lot people didn’t get the chance to buy tickets, like me. Two days after the tickets sold out, Katy announced a second show on Instagram. That concert would go live on the 3rd of October.
I was so excited to see that and I knew I wasn’t the only happy Katy Cat out there. It felt as if she heard me ask her about a second show. Later that evening I begged my parents if I could go to the concert. Because my father had been struggling economically with my mother’s expensive medication, there was just no way that I was going to go. My mother felt bad that I wasn’t going to go see the person I love so much. Her response would always be the same every time I asked, “I wish you could get the chance to go baby, but we don’t have the money for that right now”.
I felt pretty gloomy. I had waited two years for her to come to Dallas. I searched and applied for many jobs to get the money before the tickets sold out again. That literally got me nowhere.
That whole week my friend Reyes Garcia, a senior at BA, and I were talking about the concert. We planned on going together but then I gave him the bad news. I would not be able to go to the concert. I didn’t expect anything from him, nothing at all. I thought he would say something like “oh okay, I’m really sorry you can’t go to her concert”. But that is not what happened. He actually told me that he would get the tickets for me and that I could just pay him back when I was able. He had no idea how grateful and speechless he left me. It felt like a huge boulder had been lifted from my shoulders. I could finally be at ease, with nothing to worry about. After that everything else seemed normal to me.
The date was approaching very fast. The months flew right passed me in a blink of an eye. Next thing I knew we were in the week of the concert. How crazy was that? As I thought of it it made me more nervous to know that I was actually going to see Katy Perry live.
One of my main concerns was that the show might get cancelled due to the fact that the Ebola virus was all over the news. It was the #1 topic on social media. I was afraid about her getting the news and her manager worrying about her getting infected with the dangerous disease. Reyes and I where on the lookout on twitter to see if she would tweet out anything that had to do with her two shows in Dallas. This worried us terribly. I thought to myself, “she can’t really touch any of her fans either way, and I also don’t think fans can touch her because of her security”. Knowing that, it gave me peace and tranquility. Thankfully, after all the hassle for a pair of tickets, we went to the American Airlines Center in downtown Dallas to see our hero.
Friday night, October 3rd, my biggest dream came true. I got to see Katy live. She was right there in front of eyes. It was the most memorable thing any teenager could have lived through. There were so many bright and colorful lights all over the arena shining on the Katy Cat’s faces. It was the most beautiful thing just seeing her up close made it even better.
I could never have had this wonderful experience without the help of a generous friend like Reyes. I really am thankful for him being there and managing to get the tickets for us. That’s something not just anyone would do.
I guess I can finally check seeing Katy Perry of my bucket list. All thanks to Reyes Garcia.