2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
The Permenant Class Distruption
By: Martha Loza
For the past recent years, Bryan Adams has tried to become a green school. The hand dryers were also a way to not spend money on paper towels. The school decided to throw away the paper towels and bring in the hand dryers.
The hand dryers have become an interruption during instructional time. The teachers across from the restrooms are the victims of this distraction that not only disrupts the instructional time, but also makes the students loose their focus during class time.
Many of the teachers that are right in front of the restrooms suffer the consequences of the loud, noisy, disruptive hand dryers.
Ms. Mata-Gomez is a Pre-Calculus teacher. Her class is located in room 246 across from the restrooms. She has seen the hand dryers as a distraction to her class.
She said that she has to close the doors every time the students uses the hand dryers, so the students won’t get distracted.
“It is an interruption to the learning environment. I have to re-teach the lesson whenever the hand dryers are used because the students can’t hear me. Most of the time I have to raise voice when they are in use.”
She suggested that the restrooms should get a new door that can keep the noise inside the restrooms.
The hand dryers are more of an interruption to the classes than a way to help the environment.