2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Happy Healthy Holidays
Enjoy the season and still maintain your weight
The holidays are here again. Most people want to eat a lot but at the same time they want to keep their same body weight. For most people that is a very challenging thing to do. Studies show its not uncommon to gain 7 - 10 pounds during the holidays. When it comes to holidays feasting turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, pies and other desserts are very tempting. What people should do is limit their portions. Try a little of everything and stay away from seconds! Consider eating on healthy foods such as vegetables, salads and fruits. Stay away from fried, greasy, food, chips, and sodas.
People don’t drink enough water. Some people don't drink water at all. They want to stay on the sodas, sweet teas and juice. Drinking water can make a big difference in your weight. It also helps curb your appetite. Sodas have so much sugar in them that it can be harmful to your body and also it takes forever to burn them off. You need to almost run for a straight hour just to burn off a can of soda.
The next thing is you should do something active. If you're going to be with your family you should play an outside game of soccer, football or basketball after dinner. You can be fit, healthy and also you can burn off the food you enjoyed with the family.
Being overweight can have serious health consequences. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes and stroke. With a little discipline and self control you can enjoy the season and still maintain your health. Overall if you maintain those 3 things; smaller portions, more water and being active then you can maintain yourself on being healthy over the holidays and still get to taste grandmas cooking. It only takes commitment.
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