2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Remember Homecoming?
In 2014 it truly was one to remember
This year’s BA Homecoming week kicked off October 4th with the parade and ended on October 11th with the glamorous homecoming dance. The week gave all of the BA nation the opportunity to cut loose a little, show their awesome school spirit and just have some fun.
On Saturday morning BA’s clubs, organizations and athletic teams gathered in the student parking lot to prepare for the parade. Each organization had its own float and they drove around the neighborhood throwing candy to the crowd and showing their BA spirit and pride.
Monday started the dress up spirit week with Mix & Match day. Students wore the tackiest outfits possible. They walked around BA strutting their striped and plaid colorful shirts and pants confidentially.
Tuesday was Color your Class. Classes were assigned a color to wear. Freshman wore pink, Sophomores orange, Juniors yellow and Seniors wore black.
“Yellow is the ugliest color. You can’t wear it with anything. To overcome it I had to wear a lot of accessories....but my hair was cute that day,” said Junior Alexia Tovar.
“I saw a freshman wearing black and I was like whaat? “ exclaimed Talesha McCray, 10.
Wednesday was Jersey Day. Cougars were allowed to wear their favorite jerseys. Dallas Cowboys, Miami Heat and many more other team jerseys were seen walking the halls of BA.
“I wore my little league softball jersey, the Bobcats,” said Dibenhi Miramontes, 11, “I was 12 or 13 when I played on that team.”
Thursday was Throwback Thursday. Cougars were able to dress from any decade from the 50s through 90s. Greasers, poodle skirts, cholos and hippies filled the BA environment
Friday was Spirit Day. Cougars wore their green and white and, of course, the traditional unique mums. Many of the mums were super elaborate and made by the students themselves.
“Walking around the school hallways and seeing many beautiful mums that people worked hard on is the coolest thing to experience,” said Eduardo Briones, 12. “There were so many different colors and noises”.
The Homecoming pep rally took place on Friday. The tickets were in high demand. In every lunch they sold a limited amount of tickets. When the tickets were sold out in one lunch students came back to other lunches to buy their tickets. Students really wanted to go to the assembly - or they just wanted to get out of their 8th period. The pep-rally was filled with Cougar pride. The Belles danced in the isles and on stage. Many athletic teams like Cross Country, Volleyball, Tennis and our great Varsity Football team were cheered on by the Cougar faithful.
Friday night BA had the traditional homecoming game against Hillcrest. Even though the mighty Cougars lost 30 to 20 the event was still glorious. Cougars went to support the team and had an amazing night with their friends. The Belles and BAnd performed. The Homecoming Queen, King, Prince and Princess were announced to a cheering crowd. Mr. Kastl bravely accepted the ALS ice bucket challenge. Before he was drenched with the ice cold water he nominated the BA faculty and staff to commit to the challenge themselves. It was a night filled with good memories and laughs.
The homecoming dance was on Saturday at the Commerce Events Center in Deep Ellum. It was the first time BA had used this venue and everyone seemed to like it. It was a beautiful night and the Event Center featured a second floor open air deck for dancing under the stars. Downtown Dallas served as a beautiful backdrop to the festivities.
“It was a very elegant place, but I was really hungry but they only had cookies. I had a good time dancing with my friends,” said Lesly Oliva, 12. “And they played my favorite song, Shake it Off! Overall Homecoming Week was great!”

Hoco king and queen with Mr. Kastl
Julio Martinez performing in the BAnd's halftime show
BA Belles dancing to Starships by Nicki Minaj at halftime

Anissa Ruiz, Evy Solis, and Nohely Morales pose for a picture

BA students dance the night away