2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Hoop it up
BA FLS competes in Special Olympics
On Thursday, Feb. 18, the FLS students competed in the annual Special Olympics basketball game at the Juanita Craft Recreation Center in South Dallas. They were assisted by the BA “Partners PE”.
Partners is a new program at BA dedicated to helping the FLS classes in developing functional skills. The kids along with their “partners” participated with many different students from area schools.
The students were tested on their basketball skills like dribbling and shooting. The kids from BA performed with the best of them and had a ball at the same time.
Members of the BA Partners got as much out of the experience as the FLS kids.
“It was really heartwarming to see how much fun the kids had,” said Junior Alondra Hernandez.
When the students were done the judges added the scores up while the kids had lunch outside. This gave them the opportunity to engage with one another.
Six students from Bryan Adams had the honor to place medals on each wining student. At the end of the day all the kids and partners gathered to perform a victory dance.
Both Partners and participants ended the day on a high note.
“It was life-changing to experience the Special Olympics,” said Junior Daniela Lopez.

Coach Cannon getting real into the game