2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Falling out of favor
Instagram overshadowing Facebook
Most students at BA have social media accounts. The two most popular media sites are Facebook and Instagram. Lately Facebook has fallen out of favor around BA whereas Instagram has gained popularity. Some students point to the constant drama occurring on Facebook.
Recently students from BA have taken part in cyberbullying. A BA student called another boy gay and the girls started to defend the boy through the comments. Incidents like these cause students to lose interest.
“I don’t really like Facebook anymore because some people are cyberbullying others to start a fight,” said Pricilla Guerra, 10.
To replace their not-so-entertaining-media site, students have started to use Instagram, a photography based site where people post pictures of food, selfies and good times with friends. Instagram users are always preoccupied with the number of followers they have and who and when people unfollow. The number of likes on their posts is another top priority for them. Even famous celebrities like Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and Rihanna have accounts.
“I like Instagram because I like to take pictures and I can also see what my friends are up to,” said Melissa Perez, 10.
Not all students agree.
Despite the issues many have with Facebook it staill attracts a huge following.
“I think Facebook is more popular than Instagram because of the drama; some people enjoy it,” said Citlalli Lugo, 10.
“Facebook is more popular but nobody posts anything interesting.” Says Malik Ranson, 11.
Facebook is losing popularity at Bryan Adams but according to ebizma.com Facebook is #1 with 11 million 5 star ratings. Not so far behind on the list, Instagram has 10 million 5 star ratings. Instagram is turning into the new go-to media site. Every year there is a new and popular site that everybody goes to like Twitter or Tumblr. Who knows what the next go-to media site will be.
“Facebook is getting old, Instagram is the new trend and it’s more entertaining.” Says Karina Mendoza, 10.