2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
2015 has officially started not so good for famous Singer, Katy Perry. A few years back, Katy Perry was dissed by other famous singer, Taylor swift. Many crazy fans for both females noticed the feud and did not know whose side to take on. I personally, and other Katy cats out there obviously where on Katy’s side. They had been at this for quite some time now, till this exact day.
This feud began because of the relationship Katy Perry and John Meyer had. If you didn’t know, Taylor swift actually went out with him first and they were “madly” in love, until they split up. After all that John Meyer and Katy Perry had something going on. Which inspired Taylor to write a song, like any other break up of hers. Obviously.
There has been lots of rumors about Taylor Swift’s song “Bad blood” being about Katy Perry. In her song she talks about how a guy (John Meyer) hurt her so bad that nothing could repair the damages made by him and that now they have “Bad Blood”. No one knows if this is actually true, but breaking down the lyrics, it talks about “Now we got problems and I don't think we can solve them you made a really deep cut and baby now we got bad blood” and “Did you think we'd be fine? Still got scars on my back from your knife so don't think it's in the past these kind of wounds they last and they last now did you think it all through? All these things will catch up to you and time can heal but this won't so if you come in my way, just don't oh, it's so sad to think about the good times you and I had”
Fans say that the song isn’t about Katy Perry, but that it could be about Taylor Swift (herself), and Selena Gomez or question that it could be about Selena and Justin Bieber, which honestly both of these are just way off. I doubt Taylor would have written a song about her friend's relationship.
Later the whole drama inspired Katy to backfire and diss Taylor back. Katy Perry has had enough and has decided to do something about it and stop this once and for all, well maybe. And by doing that she wants ce and show that she is the biggest female act in the world and she wants to show that to everyone including Taylor, who she has a feud with. In Katy’s eyes, no one can compete on her level She also mentioned that she wants to have fun while doing it. Katy will be performing 2 of her number one hits and one new song at the Super bowl this year that will be held in Phoenix, Arizona on Feb. 1st. There has been a leak (when something that it’s wanted to be hidden until further notice, to be later going viral or going public.), that her songs will be “Roar”, “Firework” and the song that will do its dissing and heres is the name...are you ready… her song is called “She’s so creepy.” Yup. That’s her song and she will be proudly singing that song at the huge stadium.
I find it stupid that they are fighting for a guy, because even Katy broke up with him. Like she had a bigger divorce and now she’s out there like nothing ever happened. Taylor just needs to get over it and focus on her career. That’s just my own opinion. It seems that these two just don’t get along and not sure if they ever will.
I guess we are going to hear Katy Roar. Get it? Her song “Roar”! She says that “I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath scared to rock the boat and make a mess So I sat quietly, agreed politely I guess that I forgot I had a choice I let you push me past the breaking point I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything” pretty much she is saying that she is done letting people walk over her and she is not going to stay quite. I admire her even more for that. She inspires me to have thick skin and to not let anyone step all over me. I respect her for that and please make sure that you watch her performance.
Diva Wars
Katy Perry roars to Taylor Swift at the Superbowl

The girls before the feud.