2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Looking into a Mirror
You're not seeing double - its twins at BA
Twins are always a curiosity to people. Some would like a twin, others actually have the opportunity to be part of a set. Many questions that come to mind is whether twins have many similarities to what they hear and this is where things get cleared out.
Senior twins, born June 24, 1997 Jazmin and Giovanni Barrio are fraternal twins. That means they have the same birthday but don’t necessarily look alike. Jazmin is shorter, lighter skin tone and dark hair. Giovanni, on the other hand, is tall, darker and has long brown hair. Jazmin’s personality is more girly, corny, friendly and perky. Giovanni is a tomboy and is outspoken. She speaks her mind. They’re not like most twins having similarities. In this case the two girls are completely opposites, both girls learned to not like anything of the same type whether it’s music, clothing, sports, and even boys. Jazmin has that punk alternative music, vintage clothing, dance, and white boy likes. While Giovanni has the rock, comfy style, with soccer and mexican boy likes. The only possible thing the twins can like is tennis; they’re actually both on the BA Tennis Team. The two do have many ups and downs with each other, Jazmin says “We are constantlyfighting but if people try to fight with one of us, they fight with both of us, only we can fight with one another”.
In the schools sophomore category, the Sanchez twins, born Nov. 24, 1998, Benjamin and Diego Sanchez, identical twin boys. These boys look exactly alike, but still have the distinct difference; their style and personality are much different. Benjamin described his brother Diego to be lazy and dumb, which was pretty much exactly what Diego said about himself. Benjamin is a bit more intelligent and deeply into his school work. When the guys were little their mom dressed them up exactly alike making it harder for people to tell them apart. But the twins never had the ideas to switch places to see how the other ones would see things. Benjamin said “I’m good with having a twin brother, we still get treated equally, and it’ll feel weird if he wasn’t here with me”.
The Cruz twins, born July 8, 1998, Jennifer and Ricky are fraternal twins, a boy and girl twins. Ricky is more out there for attention, speaking out and being surrounded while Jennifer is the quiet type, shy and keeping to her work. Jennifer says “People find it surprising when they find out that were twins, because I’m a girl and he’s a boy, even more surprised that we’re related”. Both the twins when they were little were each other’s best friend, being completely inseparable. Although Ricky was considered the favorite when they were little, eventually Jennifer caught up and now became the favorite one between the two. The twins may not look much alike or be the same gender but the both can feel each other senses like some twin telepathy, Jennifer says “It’s like if I get sick, Ricky can feel it when we’re not around each other, then a couple days later he’ll get sick himself”.

Jazmin and Giovanni Barrios
Benjamin and Diego Sanchez
Jennifer and Ricky Cruz