2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Fine Arts
BA gets new art teacher
By Ramon Cruz, 12
Jeff Yerger comes to BA from teaching Art at Sunset where he
met Mr. Kastl. Mr. Yerger graduated from Desoto High school
and went on to UTD to earn his bachelor’s degree on a full ride
scholarship. After UTD Mr. Yerger went to the University of
Houston to acquire his master’s Degree.
He used to intern in galleries and even lived off his artwork for
three years. One of his pieces sold for $3500.
While teaching at Sunset High Yerger tripled the number of students in the AP program.
“One of the things I’m most proud of is leaving Sunset knowing they had a larger, healthier AP program,” he said.
Mr. Yerger always pushes the students to work hard on their projects and always finds ways of helping them to improving it or their technique.
Senior Miguel Saavedra appreciates how Mr.Yerger gives students pointers but doesn’t get too involved so that they can express their drawing on their own without being influenced.
“This class challenges my skill level and I feel I will leave the class a stronger artist,” he said.
This year Mr. Yerger plans on taking students to compete in the Visual Arts Scholastics Event or VASE. VASE is an art competition in which academically eligible students can compete using artwork that they completed in class. Mr. Yerger has had 11 students get top scores and even perfect scores on their interviews. One of his students went to State competition. VASE is like the UIL for art so he takes it very seriously and is looking for students who have what it takes to compete.
If you take your art seriously or want to compete in VASE go by Room 1001 and see Mr. Yerger.

Mr. Jeff Yerger, BA's newest art teacher, describes the requirements for the upcoming Scratch Board Project.