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Red Band Society
New TV show takes on real life issues
Red Band Society is the new show that aired on Fox on September 17, 2014. The show takes place in a hospital where there are teens that suffer from various diseases this show is not only filled with drama it is made up of comedy, tragedy and daily life issues. The episodes are continuous and exciting. This TV show covers issues that people face in their daily lives like anorexia, marijuana and other drugs. These teens just want to live like any normal teen does. They want to drink, party, and fall in love. But they are in a situation where they can’t do these things. Teens are going to be teens so they sometimes sneak out and go to the frat house across the street from the hospital. They named themselves the Red Band Society due to the red bands they wear. Every time that one of their members is going to have an operation they gather the night before and spend their time together not knowing if it will be their last.
Octavia Spencer plays Nurse Jackson. She appears to be a good nurse, but because she's strict, most patients despise her. She enjoys to have people scared of her. She cares about the patients, especially Charlie. Dave Annabel plays Dr. Jack McAndrew the head doctor of Los Angeles' Ocean Park Hospital.
Dash Hosney is played by Astro. He is a patient at for having a disease that affects his lungs. He smokes cigarettes, and marijuana, despite his condition.
Ciara Bravo plays Emma Chota is in Ocean Park Hospital for her eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa. She has a lot of self-conflicts where she battles her conscience and throws away the food that is provided to her. Like many girls Emma doesn’t like herself.
Leo Roth, played by Charlie Rowe, has cancer in his leg where he went through amputation. He is currently going through chemotherapy. Leo played soccer before he lost his leg, his plans were to go to college and become a professional but hasn’t fulfilled his dreams since the loss of his leg. A side from that he is emotionally unstable due to his ongoing relationship with Emma.
Kara Souders, a head cheerleader at her school, is a patient with an enlarged heart, due to her constant drug abuse. Her birth mother and father divorced when she was young, and then her mother married her nanny. Kara is played by Zoe Levin.
Charlie Hutchinson has been in a coma since the show started. He was in a car accident with his dad, which is why he is in a coma. His dad lost his visitation rights because he unbuckled Charlie and didn't see another vehicle coming toward him, but pretends to be a volunteer so he can see him. The series is narrated by him. In the previous episode he awakened but hasn’t been able to speak and move. He is played by Griffin Gluck.
Jordi Palacios has osteosarcoma in his right leg. He lied about his mother being dead and he doesn't know what happened to his father. He used to live in California, but went to Mexico to live with his grandma and was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in his leg and returned to California for treatment. Jordi is played by Nolan Sotillo. These characters make up The Red band Society.

Dr. Jack McAndrew is the head doctor at Los Angeles' Ocean park Hospital.

Dash Hosney suffers from lung cancer.
Kara Souders suffers from an enlarged heart.
Leo Roth suffers from osteosarcom (leg cancer).
Jordi Palacios suffers from osteosarc-oma too.
Emma Chota suffers from anorexia nervosa.
Nurse Jackson is the head nurse in Ocean Park Hospital.
Charlie Hutchinson is in a coma.

The Characters