2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Sending ‘Em Off
BA holds mini-parade to celebrate GBB going to state
On Wednesday, March 4th, the Girls’ Basketball team, BAnd, Belles, and Cheerleaders marched around the school before sending them team off to the State Playoffs.
The parade began during C-lunch and was led by Ms. Perkins and the BAnd. Directly behind them was the Belles and Cheerleaders who helped pump up the crowd. All of the students and faculty lined the halls of BA as they cheered on the Lady Cougars.
“I felt that it was very exciting and it was the highlight of my day. This was a wonderful way to celebrate the girls making it to State,” said Alexis Louis, 12.
After finishing the parade route, the organizations made two lines in front of the school as the Lady Cougars ran between them and headed to their bus.
The girls will play Cedar Park Vista Ridge this Thursday at 8:30 at the Alamodome in San Antonio. The winning team will then go on to the final round on Saturday at 3 p.m.\

The region II, District 5AAAAA champs whoop it up before send off to San Antonio for the championship games.