2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Still in school
A few questions for your teachers about their time in high school
Favorite song in high school?
Favorite food?
Embarrassing moment?
Unforgettable moment?
How would you describe your style?
Any awards or sports?
What high school did you attend?
Did you see yourself becoming a teacher?
Anything else you would like to tell us?

Emo punk rock…huge Fall Out Boy fan
Spaghetti all day…for the carbo loading
I ran to lunch every day. I loved food and still do
Running track meets at night. Small school lots of energy Texas heat.
Efficient. I was in two sports and had a 4.0 GPA, so I didn’t do anything that got in the way of that.
Ran cross country and track. Regional three years state twice in CC and region twice in track. Best biology student three years running. Salutatorian.
Ingram Tom Moore High, Ingram, Texas
No Way
Rap and Rock
Junk food (cookies, gold fish)
I was a freshman and I got sick in class and they made me go to the nurse in a wheelchair.
Winning district for baseball senior year and also for swimming in freshman-junior year.
Baseball senior year, team winning district tittle, won 3 times MVP senior year, Gold Cougar (award), Cougar Guard
Bryan Adams High School. Yeah!
Not at the time.
Mr. Mason still has my work from when I was in his class.
Grunge music, nirvana, sound garden, punk music
Peperoni pizza
Had to run a student council meeting and had a face smash from a bottle the day before and had to go to the hospital.
Being in the football team, being the student council president, going to prom, the after parties and playing in the talent show.
Grunge, flannel shirts, ripped up baggy pants and humorous shirts
Track, power lifting, football, won state in history in an academic competition
Bishop Lynch HS
No, I only thought as far as college and I was not ready to be a teacher.
I was a national scholar, did good in the PSAT.
“Take your test seriously, it can help you succeed”
Mr. Stearns
Mr. Enriquez
Mr. Campbell
Jay Z – Hard Knock Life, Coolio – Gangsta’s Paradise, Cher – Believe, Hanson – MmmmmBop, Savage Garden – Truly Madly Deeply MAN THOSE WERE SOME OF THE JAMS!!!!!
Meat and Cheese – MMMMMMMM!
I don’t get that embarrassed, but probably when I got caught sneaking out of my house during a slumber party and my dad busted me in front of all my friends – SOOOOOO not cool!
The Homecoming Pep Rally my Senior Year – I was in charge of it and put together the Student Council. I also was the mascot J Leo the Lion or when I put on a Battle of the Bands and had 11 local bands perform and had over 1000 people attend.
Cool, Class Clown, and Sporty
Varsity Softball 3 years, Volleyball 2 years, Soccer 1 year. I was into Student Council – Spirit Committee Chairman – In charge of anything Spirit related (spirit themes, pep rallies, Homecoming, etc.) – then I was Mascot my Junior and Senior Year – Leo the Lion J. I received the Leadership Scholarship, Nominated for Class Favorite my Junior Senior Year, and Was Class Clown both Junior and Senior Year
McKinney High School
It was a possibility, but I also wanted to be a DJ and work with special needs students.
High school rocked! I was totally into Mascot and Student Council – I don’t remember any of my teachers, only coaches, and Anne Presley my Student Council Advisor.
My favorite music in high school was Motown
My favorite food was spaghetti.
Most embarrassing moment in HS was in speech class when I forgot my lines for a skit and I had to ad-lib the lines.
My style was "if I made it, I wore it."
I was a member of the Girls Athletic Association and played field hockey.
I won an award in the 10th grade for being class clown.
I attended Waterford Township High School in Pontiac, Michigan.
From the time I was three years old I wanted to be a teacher.
In HS I was a member of Future Teachers Club, but when I went to college I wanted to make money. So it was only when I did my student teaching in Ann Arbor, MI, that my heart was taken by teaching.
I loved, still, love, rock-n-roll. Songs: "Staying Alive" by the Bee-Gees, "In My Life" by the Beatles. "Hotel California" by the Eagles. "Magnet and Steel" by Walter Egan.
My favorite food was my mother's home-made soup or lasagna.
My most embarrassing moment in school was when I fell UP a flight a stairs.... just kept tumbling UP....
Graduation was an unforgettable moment, because we had over a thousand seniors in my class, from different races...and to see that many students in cap and gowns at one time was awesome. We were the first high school in Dallas to be voluntarily integrated, so it was a big thing for us.
My "style" back then was heavily influenced by both hippies and disco... Believe me, it worked.
I was in the German Dancers, a folk dance group. We won many competitions and even performed on a local TV show called, "Mr. Peppermint."
I graduated from Skyline High School in 1978. I graduated with high honors and was a member of the National Honor Society.
I NEVER saw myself as becoming a teacher then. Back then, I wanted to be a police officer or lawyer.
The photo is of me during my senior year taken in the bathroom at school. (A kid walked in on a friend and I and said, "Cheese!")
Ms. Birdwell
Ms. Morrow
Ms. Maner