2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Every generation has their own language - here's ours
Slang is a favorite form of teen communication. It's hard to keep up to date with slang, but hopefully this little guide will help you learn a few words and phrases that your teachers, parents or maybe even some BA students may not know. Language changes all the time. New words and phrases appear and evolve. The words and pronunciations used by young people can be very different from those used by adults. “Back in the day” they used to use words that aren’t so “cool” these dayz like, “the bomb”, “that’s banging”, “get crunk”, “that’s dope”, etc. Slang has changed since then and it will continue to change.
Here are some of our favs and how they would be used in a sentence:
Being 100% TRUTHFUL. Sometimes used in a funny way when talking about something silly.”
“OMG! Did you just see her? She just fell real talk.”
It basically means “yes” - but with a bajillion times more enthusiasm. This version uses one “a” and bunch of of “s” and always is capitalized. Bird language. For ratchet girls who cannot pronounce "yess" ..
“Just got my weave done, YASSSSSSSS!”
Another way of saying you really don’t care. Is a phrase that can be used in response to almost any situation or comment.
“She cute or whateva, I guess.”
Throw Back Thursday. Commonly used with photos posted on the internet to show an activity that took place some time ago/before..
“Finna post my #tbt on Instagram.”
On Fleek –
Means something is perfect, on point, or just very good.
“Eyebrows on fleek, nails on fleek, hair on fleek! I’m feeling myself today.”
I can’t even- I’m done -
Teenagers love being “dramatic” and the best way of expressing teenage drama is through this hyperbolic expression. Yes, those three words are a full sentence, well only on tumblr. But it is often used when something is either too funny, scary, or cute to have a good reaction too. You are really lost for words.
OMG you’re so funny I can’t even.
Used exclusively in texting, “kk” is the less passive-aggressive version of “OK.” After all, teens LOVE to be soooooo chill.
Girl: “Bring me some candy tomorrow.”
Boy: “kk”
Teens are so “with it” to the point that they use complex technological terms like “hashtag” in a sarcastic way to embellish a point they are making.
#Pretty #cute #thass bae #wheaaaa
Everyone has a family, but when you are a teen, you refer to them as your “fam” because abbreviating stuff is SO mad chill. A word use to describe your people. The ones that you can trust dearly. Someone you consider family.
“Wassup fam?”
THE OFFICIAL DEFINITION IS “before anyone else”.
“Thass bae. He fine.”
An abbreviation of let me. Although used mostly in text, this vocal verbatim is a key component of the language of modern youths. Since the pronounciation of "let me" requires too many syllables, lemme has become an accepted form of expressing this action.
“Lemme call you back.”
Throwing a slug -
To talk trash about a friend or someone to publicly denounce or disrespect them.
“She was throwing a slug last night on Facebook.”
Is a term used to describe someone with attributes of idiocy, foolishness and child-like behavior. A 'basic' commonly has little to no intelligence, and struggles to break social barriers. An adjective used to describe any person, place, activity involving obscenely obvious behavior, dress, action.
“Look at how she act, she basic.”
or nah –
another way to say “not” when choosing to decide something. Used as a trendy way to form yes or no sentences, originating from Ty Dolla $ign's song "Or nah".
“You finna gimmie some money or nah?”
Used when one uses snarky comeback leaving the opponent absolutely speechless. Comes From The Song "Mercy" By Kanye West. It Is Often Used To Imply Dodging Someone. Kind of like - "Say Man, Gone On With That . *First Day Of Shool*
Girl: “OMG I missed You!!”
Boy: “Girl SWERVE, You Aint HMU all summer.”