2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
BA Theater Department puts on first musical in seven years
The Fantasticks started and ended with Senior Marcelino
Vazquez’s “El Gallo” and Victoria Velasco’s "Luisa" beautiful
rendition of Try to Remember. The song tries to get the
audience to use their imagination as the story begins.
The story is about a boy, Matt, played by Elias Palamitano,
10, and a girl, Luisa, played by Victoria Velasco, 11. They
are neighbors that are separated by their fathers,Hucklebee
(Diana Velazquez, 12), and Bellomy’s(Aisha Roberson) feud.
They are also separated by a wall. The worst thing about this is that they are both deeply and undeniably in love. What they didn’t know was that their fathers are pretending to feud and are actually best friends who want their children to get married. Therefore, they hire “El Gallo” to help them “seal the deal .“ The fathers agree to a plan to set them up.
The plan was represented by The Abduction Ballet which featured dancers from Mrs. Solorio’s dance classes. The students also danced to Depends on What You Pay, meaning that it depends what the farmers would pay in order for the abduction to succeed. With the help of “Henry” (Joseph Alcocer, 12) and “Mortimer” (Caleb Trevino, 9) Matt is abducted and taken away from Luisa.
The BA Band, conducted by Ms. Perkins, added a professional touch to the performance by providing live music throughout show.
During the intermission the audience was taken aback when an ensemble of circus performers, Los Fantasticos, poured out onto the stage. During the mini circus the crowd was treated to performances that included 2 mermaids, knife thrower, magician, ventriloquist, 2 clowns, conjoined twins and a lion tamer. It was all in good fun.
When the musical continued the abduction scene was over and the parents relent. Matt became a hero and the feud was over - for now. Somehow, because of the plan and how the wall was down, the lovers seemed not to get along as well as they thought they would. When the fathers told the children they planned the whole abduction and Matt decided to travel the world for a while. While Matt was away Luisa was sad and stared into space. Then El Gallo tries to seduce Luisa and steals her necklace and breaks her heart. After Matt comes back he realized he missed Luisa. There was a hilarious swordfight, they get back together and live happily ever after. The wall goes up again for good and the farmers get along as well.
Though it may seem all like a messed up Romeo & Juliet a lot of work had to be done for the production. First the set had to be built. It was a simple setting with just a platform. The “wall”, was symbolized by a step ladder. The “mute” played by Sophomore Lorena Correa, was a stage character that handled all the props on stage and provided everything for the players, even the sun and the moon, although they were cardboard. For “snow” she blew bubbles as the couple confessed their love.
As for the costumes, one of the big challenges was how to make Diana Velazquez, who played Hucklebee, as well as Aisha Roberson, who played Bellomy, into middle aged men. They first they had to undergo the physical change with the aged make up and then dress up as men. The rest of the costumes fit the cast very well with their character. Luisa was dressed like a very innocent teenaged girl. Matt was dressed as a young educated man. El Gallo was dressed in black with a flowing cape. Some of the best costuming and makeup was for Henry (Joseph Alcocer, 12) and Mortimor (Caleb Travino, 9). Both played actors need by El Gallo for the abduction. Alcocer was convincing as an old down-on-his-luck actor and Mortimor’s “great dying” scenes caused the audience to erupt in laughter.
It was great to hear music coming from the BA auditorium after so many years. The performances, which ran from Thursday November 20 through Saturday the 23, were well attended by the student body, friends, family and the community. Mr. Kastl, who attended the Friday night show seemed to approve and enjoy The Fantastiks.
“It was great to see the results of the hard work these students put in to this. I especially like the fact that several organizations, like Drama and the Band, worked together to put it together,” he said.

The cast of the musical play, after the show. From left to right is Henry (Joseph Alcocer), Mortimer (Caleb Trevino), Matt (Elias Palmitano), Luisa (Victoria Velasco), El Gallo (Marcelino Vazquez), Mute as the wall (Lorena Correa), Hucklebee (Diana Velazquez), and Bellomy (Aisha Roberson).