2016 - 2017 Bryan Adams High School, 2101 Millmar, Dallas, Texas, 75228 dallasisd.org/bryanadams
Day of honor
BA particpates in Veterans day Parade
The Bryan Adams JROTC, Band, and Belles participated in the annual Veteran’s Day Parade in downtown Dallas.
By 9 am these BA orgs were on the buses and on their way downtown. Once there, they lined up in their spots and watched in amusement as the large Army tanks drove around and the helicopters roamed around in the sky above. At 11 am the parade began with the traditional Military Fly-Over.
“The most interesting things I saw was a group of Native Americans and a huge black horse,” said Senior Trumpeter Maria Campos. "The 2014 Miss Texas winner was also an interesting participant in the parade."
Even though the weather was very cold (with temperatures only reaching about 45 degrees), these students continued to march and entertain the thousands of Dallas citizens who lined the streets. The parade spectators ranged from toddlers waving around American flags to Veterans of multiple wars, including WW2, Vietnam and Desert Storm.
“This was my first parade and I loved it! I thought it was so cool how some of the people watching the parade knew who we were and acknowledged it,” said Sophomore Belle Naysa Custodio.
The parade began at Reunion Arena and headed north on Houston Street, turned onto Main St., then south on Ervay St. The route put the parade in front of City Hall where all of the groups and floats are judged by a group of special judges.
“My favorite part of the parade was when we walked in front of the review because we looked really good,” said JROTC Company Commander Janey Barron.